Tra 1970 e ‘71 furono i Parliament a pubblicare un LP, Osmium, e una
manciata di singoli tra cui questa Come In Out Of The Rain, ballata rock nel
solco della Hey Joe di Hendrix. Brano assolato, caldissimo, che sa di Venice
Beach come nessun’altra canzone uscita da Detroit. Hazel controlla il pedale e
ci ricama sopra in modo superbo, si libra in volo planato e liquido, pulito: un
gabbiano al tramonto d’estate sul pacifico. Il testo combattivo e in puro stile
’68 pare uscito dalla San Francisco più sovversiva. Come una canzone di
Volunteers con Hendrix al posto di Kaukonen.
Between 1970 and '71
were the Parliament to publish an LP, Osmium, and a handful of singles
including this Come In Out Of The Rain, a rock ballad in the wake of Hendrix's
Hey Joe. Song sunny, hot, who tastes of Venice Beach like no other song coming out
of Detroit. Hazel controls the pedal superbly, soaring and gliding, liquid and
clean: a seagull at sunset in the Pacific summer. The fighting lyrics, ‘68 style,
seems out of the San Francisco's most subversive quarter. Like a Volunteers song
with Hendrix instead of Kaukonen. Fantastic!
“War's my Golden Age
I've been shipped from the cradle to the grave
Put a gun in their hands
Saying it's your duty to kill another man”
Saying it's your duty to kill another man”
Parliament - Come In Out Of The Rain – Invictus 1971
Parliament - Osmium – Invictus 1971
Parliament - First Thangs – Fantasy 1995
1 commento:
79deadman link ok.
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