domenica 28 agosto 2011

Song to (re)discover: Comus – The Herald

As a single star glides swiftly down the night
A soft wetting note issues from the time-worn flute
Frowning slightly the herald listens wistful across the night
And from way back behind the day comes the echoed answer
The day advances oh so softly his shadow lengthens and his voice is mute
But clear his flute and sadly walks forward followed by the day
Herald of morning walks across the earth eternally
And somewhere in the black distance
Another herald puts down his flute
And the dewy dawn creeps on
And the night withdraws
The day advances oh so softly his shadow lengthens and his voice is mute
But clear his flute and sadly walks forward followed by the day
Herald of morning walks across the earth eternally

Now o'er the one halfworld
Nature seems dead, and wicked dreams abuse
The curtain'd sleep; witchcraft celebrates
Pale Hecate's offerings, and wither'd murder,
Alarum'd by his sentinel, the wolf,
Whose howl's his watch, thus with his stealthy pace.
With Tarquin's ravishing strides, towards his design
Moves like a ghost.

A quest'ora, su una metà del mondo
la natura par quasi che sia morta,
ed empi sogni vanno ad ingannare
il sonno chiuso dietro le cortine(30).
Le streghe celebran le loro ridde
ad Ecate la pallida;(31) svegliato
dall'allarme della sua sentinella
l'ululato del lupo - l'assassinio
s'avvia furtivamente alla sua impresa,
come un fantasma, a passo lungo e lieve,
come il lascivo andare di Tarquinio.

William Shakespeare – Macbeth


Caspar David Friedrich
Frau vor untergehender Sonne – (Signora alla luce del tramonto) – 1818
Museum Folkwang, Essen

Caspar David Friedrich
Das Große Gehege bei Dresden - (La grande riserva di caccia presso Dresda) - 1832
Gemäldegalerie Neue Meister
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden,   Dresda

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