Led Zeppelin
07-07-1973 - Chicago
In The Windy City II
Empress Valley – 2003
1 (54.35)
And Roll
The Hills And Far Away
Mountain Hop
I've Been Loving You
Song Remains The Same
rain Song
2 (72.19)
And Confused
To Heaven
3 (30.17)
Lotta Love
Classic Zeppelin Bootleg!
Check the "visual bootlegs" page here
Check also the entire bootlegs collection here
Valley have once again stolen the limelight with their release of a completely
new show, the second night in Chicago on 7th July 1973. The previous night has
long been available as a complete soundboard recording. Unfortunately Plant's
voice was in terrible shape, and it is not much better for this second night.
Also the first night was marred by constant fighting in the crowd. They must
have had the wrong tickets, and rather than see Led Zeppelin were perhaps
expecting to see a boxing match. This release is sourced from a newly surfaced
excellent sounding mono audience recording master tape. The recorder was close to
the front of the stage, and near the centre, an ideal position to capture this
show. The only drawback was that at 2 minutes 20 seconds into Celebration Day
the recorder accidentally hit the stop button on his Sony cassette recorder
(there is a photo of the actual recording equipment on the inside front cover
of this release). He therefore missed the end of this song, and the whole of
Black Dog. Fortunately just before Over The Hills And Far Away he realised his
mistake and turned the recorder on again. There are some occasional problems
with the original tape dragging/sticking (Memorex cassettes have always had
this problem). Apart from that it is an excellent mono audience recording, with
virtually no audience chatter and yelling/talking, etc. The main time we hear
people around the recorder is during the applause before the encores, when they
(? taper's friends) get very excited about the concert, but this merely adds to
our enjoyment of this show, as their comments are quite amusing. If Plant's
voice had been in better shape it would have been another great 73 concert.
Jimmy Page really flies in Dazed And Confused. Be that as it may, this release
is well worth seeking out for your collection. The Electric Magic label are
also planning to release this concert, but as this label invariably messes up
the sound by heavy handed EQ, that release will be one to avoid. Empress Valley
have come up with another classic. The liner notes (by this label's new ace cub
reporter Hamish Rock) are most enlightening, and are printed on the inside of
the glossy card slipcase that the three CDs are housed in. As this is a
'budget' release, packaging is very plain, but do not judge a book by its
cover. (Jules McTrainspotter Nov 03)
good sounding tape, with Jimmy up front. The drums are a bit in the background.
Plant's voice has recovered a bit from the night before (as it is said). I
don't have the SB from the 6th as the combination of a bad voiced Plant and a
1973 SB doesn't sound too tempting. But maybe in the future ?? The sound
travels a bit here and there, also with tiny dropouts but nothing too serious. 'Celebration
Day' has the band already fired up, shame it is cut. We go straight into the
introduction for 'Over The Hills And Far Away'. Jonesy is excused for a minute
due to a problem with his braincell(s). Plant's voice starts to crack during
the first verse. While 'Celebration Day' sounded on fire, this sounds extremely
sluggish. Jimmy saves it all with a lengthy solo and a suddenly improved guitar
volume. 'Misty Mountain Hop' has the audience clapping along fine. Robert
sounds suddenly fine singing about a subject close to the heart. The overall
sound has improved a lot during this part of the tape. Page doesn't get in the
break leading to 'Since I've Been Loving You' as Bonham and Jones expected but
extends a bit before doing so. Great version with Robert's raw, raspy voice to
it's full effect and Jimmy also in great form. Even the keyboards are perfectly
audible now. Jonesy's showpiece 'No Quarter' follows. Perfect version 1973
style without the enhancements of 1975/1977. Bonzo adds a bit of tympani here
and there during the keyboard solo. Page joins very quickly for the jam.
Suddenly it becomes very nice to hear a 1973 concert from an audience recording
after all the SBD releases of the past years. Wonderful version of 'No
Quarter'. Plant hammers the press who wrote in a review about last night's
concert that Bonzo plays the organ. 'The Song Remains The Same' continues in
fine form. Some minor tape problems are starting up, maybe due to the volume of
this song, because at the start of 'The Rain Song' they're gone. Again, no
complaints here, or am I just happy to hear a 1973 U.S.A. audience tape??
And Confused' is greeted with an enormous cheer. Plant is recovered now and
adlibs and screams at will. Together with 1972 these are the best versions of
this song. The first fast part is overwhelming, Page is the shining star with
lots of fluency and imagination. The intro to 'San Francisco' is beautiful. No
hurry as Jimmy is improvising a bit before softly gliding into the bow solo
where the audience really screams the roof off. The duel with Plant is
extremely good. 'Mars' ends the bow solo and the bubble burst quickly with
Bonzo and Jones entering with all power. What follows is an endless
improvisation with all kind of rhythm changes till the call and response with
Robert starts. This is rather short and the pace is picked up quickly with
Bonzo really getting into it. The return to the main theme is a bit shaky, but
quickly forgiven. Great, all 29 minutes !! Everybody goes really nuts as
'Stairway To Heaven' starts. The sound is a bit muddier now which suffers the
keyboards. There's a small cut just before the fanfare. This is a good version
of their most famous song. Jimmy again performs a masterful solo. Robert
doesn't sound too bad in the closing end. 'Moby Dick' takes about 29 staggering
minutes. At the end there seems a bit of concern that the drum intro to
'Heartbreaker' is the signal to 'Moby Dick' part 2. Jimmy's solo spot is full
on with the 'Bouree' included. Via a drum intro this is linked to 'Whole Lotta
Love'. Some weird noise is preceding the guitar sound now. Lyrics from 'The
Crunge' begin the Theramin solo. The 'Boogie Chillun' section is great but not
extended with extra songs. The taper and friends give all kind of comments
praising the event, while a girl's whole body is numb, as she says. A real
firecracker fest is starting now. 'Communication Breakdown' is the solo encore
for this very good show, sound and performance wise. (Pieter Kleij Nov 03)
From Blogs:
Original Flac:
Full Album mp3:
3 commenti:
Sempre un piacere il risentirli!
Minchia che scaletta | Ho usufruito dell'invito e lo sto acquisendo ! :)
This is an awesome Led Zeppelin setlist.
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