Uno stoner trapiantato nel chiasso di una città motorizzata che è lo sfondo
continuo di ogni canzone (Can You Hear Me, She Gets Around): chitarre in scale
minori discendenti come insegnava Josh Homme (White Angel), voci che sussurrano
là dove nascono i fantasmi, distorsioni torride (Witch and the Star) in zona Fu
Manchu ma anche il buonsenso di non esagerare nelle maratone strumentali e di
non mettere poi troppa carne al fuoco.
I Lions escono dalla stessa Austin dei Black Angels, rinforzando
ancora di più l’idea che il Texas sia sempre stata la vera patria della
psichedelia più truce, dai 13th Floor Elevators ai Josefus (Get Out Alive,
oltre 6 minuti di ballatona drammatica e spettrale). Quest’attitudine alla
chitarra pesante, alla ritmica serrata e rombante, unita alle visioni da
gioventù tormentata, costantemente alla ricerca di un “segno”, ha assicurato al
gruppo un posto d’onore nella soundtrack della prima stagione di Sons of Anrchy
(4 pezzi: Machine, No Generation, All Hail, Evil Eye ) al fianco di BRMC e
Black Keys; anche Matt Drenik e Austin Kalman hanno potuto così mischiarsi e
immischiarsi nelle tortuose vicende dei bikers di Charming alle prese con una
difficile successione al trono del primo charter del club. Una scelta azzeccata
che dona alla serie un roboante sound rock e concede alla band uno stato quasi
di “culto”.

“Anarchism... stands for liberation of the
human mind from the dominion of religion; the liberation of the human body from
the dominion of property; liberation from shackles and restraint of government.
It stands for social order based on the free grouping of individuals.“
The concept was pure, simple, true, it inspired
me, led a rebellious fire, but ultimately I learned the lesson that Goldman,
Prudot and the others learned. That true freedom requires sacrifice and pain.
Most human beings only think they want freedom. In truth they yearn for the
bondage of social order, rigid laws, materialism, the only freedom man really
wants, is the freedom to become comfortable.>>
Sons of Anarchy - Patch Over (2008)
After My Generation, Generation X and Blank Generation, here we have No Generation, an hard rock centrifuge of late-adolescent frustrations (All Hail) that vent needs escape, rebellion, self-expression as in the best tradition of Alice Cooper.
A stoner transplanted
in the noise of a motorized city that is
the continuous background of each song (Can You Hear Me, She Gets Around):
guitars in descending minor scales as taught by Josh Homme (White Angel),
voices that whisper where the ghosts are born, scorching distortion (Witch and
the Star) in the Fu Manchu area but also common sense not to overdo in instrumental
marathons and then do not put too many irons in the fire.
Lions come from the
same Austin of Black Angels, reinforcing even more the idea that Texas has
always been the true home of the most sinister psychedelia, from the 13th Floor
Elevators to Josefus (Get Out Alive, more than 6 minutes of dramatic and
spectral ballad). This attitude to heavy guitar sound, the rhythm tight and
roaring, joined with the visions of tormented
youth, always looking for a "sign", assured to the band a place of
honor in the soundtrack of the first season of Sons of Anrchy (4 pieces:
Machine, No Generation, All Hail, Evil Eye) at the side of BRMC and the Black
Keys; so even Matt Drenik and Austin Kalman were able to mix and meddle in the winding
affairs of the Charming’s bikers, grappling with a difficult succession to the
throne of the club's first charter. A good choice that gives to the fiction a
bombastic rock sound and gives the band an “almost-cult” status
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